Page:Story of Turkey and Armenia.djvu/504

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Tabular View of the Armenian Massacres.
Name of Town. Date of Massacre. Number Killed. By whom done.
Constantinople Sept. 30 172 Police and Softas
Ak Hisaar Oct. 9 45 Moslem villagers
Trebizond Oct. 8 800 Soldiers, Lazes, and Turks
Balburt Oct. 13 1,000 Lazes and Turks
Gumushane Oct. 11 No details
Erzingjan Oct. 21 1,000 Soldiers and Turks
Bitlis Oct. 25 900 Soldiers, Kurds, and Turks
Harpoot Nov. 11 1,000 Soldiers, Kurds, and Turks
Sivas Nov. 12 1,200 Soldiers and Turks
Palu Oct. 25 450 Soldiers, Kurds, and Turks
Diarbekr Oct. 25 2,500 Soldiers, Kurds, and Turks
Albistan Oct. 300
Erzeroum Oct. 30 800 Soldiers and Turks
Ourfa Nov. 3 300
Kara Hissar Oct. 25 500 Circassians and Turks
Malatia Nov. 6 250
Marash Nov. 18 1,000 Soldiers and Turks
Aintab Nov. 15 No details
Gurun Nov. 10 3,000 Kurds and Turks
Arabkir Nov. 6 2,000 Kurds and Turks
Argana No details
Severck No details
Mush Nov. 15 6 Kurds
Tokat No details
Amasia No details
Marsovan Nov. 15 125 Turks
Cesarea Nov. 30 1,000 Circaseians and Turks
Gemerek No details
Egin No details
Zileh No details
Se'ert No details

Turkish Statistics for Seven Vilayets with Estimated Losses.
Armenian population in larger towns 177,700
Armenian population in villages 586,500
Number killed in towns (estimated) 20,000
Number of Armenian villages (about) 3 300
Number of villages destroyed (estimated) 2,500
Number killed in villages No data
Number reduced to starvation in towns (estimated) 75,000
Number reduced to starvation in villages (estimated) 350,000

Note.—All the numbers given above, including the Turkish statistics, are more or less inaccurate, but the estimates are based upon a careful study of all the information which has reached Constantinople from many independent sources.