Page:Strachey - World's Wit and Humor, tome X, 1906.djvu/9

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Portrait of Molière Frontispice

Brander Matthews
   Introduction: The Humor of Continental Europe XV

Ruteboeuf (Born about 1230),
   The Ass's Testament 3

Doun de Laverne (13th Century).
   How a Peasant Won Paradise by Wit ... 7

Eustache Deschamps (1338-1415).
   Advice to a Friend on Marriage 13

François Villon {1431-1485).
   Ballad of Proverbs 15
   All Things Except Myself I Know, - - - 16

Margaret, Queen of Navarre (1492-1549).
   One Ducat for a Horse.— "The Heptameron" . - 18
   A Lady's Passion for a Cordelier Cured with a Stick.— "The Heptameron" 20
   The Miracle of the Lighted Candle.— "The Heptameron 26