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Professor Leeds


I can answer that, I think. She has a reason. But why she should blame me when she must know I acted for the best— You probably don’t know, but just before he sailed for the front Gordon wanted their marriage to take place, and Nina consented. In fact, from the insinuations she lets drop now, she must have been most eager, but at the time— However, I felt it was ill-advised and I took Gordon aside and pointed out to him that such a precipitate marriage would be unfair to Nina, and scarcely honorable on his part.


[Staring at him wonderingly]

You said that to Gordon?

[Thinking cynically]

A shrewd move! . . . Gordon’s proud spot, fairness and honor! . . . but was it honorable of you? . . .

Professor Leeds

[With a touch of asperity]

Yes, I said it, and I gave him my reason. There was the possibility he might be killed, in the flying service rather more than a possibility, which needless to say, I did not point out, but which Gordon undoubtedly realized, poor boy! If he were killed, he would be leaving Nina a widow, perhaps with a baby, with no resources, since he was penniless, except what pension she might get from the government; and all this while she was still at an age when a girl, especially one of Nina’s charm and beauty, should have all of life before her. Decidedly, I told him, in justice to Nina, they must