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[Immediately moved by pity and ashamed of himself]

Forgive me, Nina. I haven’t quite buried all my bitterness, I’m afraid.


I’m sorry you’re unhappy, Nina.


[Thinking with satisfaction]

He means that . . . he still does care a little . . . if only it’s enough to . . . !

[Speaking sadly]

I’ve lost my son, Ned! Sam has made him all his. And it was done so gradually that, although I realized what was happening, there was never any way I could interfere. What Sam advised seemed always the best thing for Gordon’s future. And it was always what Gordon himself wanted, to escape from me to boarding school and then to college, to become Sam’s athletic hero—



Oh, come now, Nina, you know you’ve always longed for him to be like Gordon Shaw!


[Bursting out in spite of herself—violently]

He’s not like Gordon! He’s forgotten me for that—!

[Trying to be more reasonable]

What do I care whether he’s an athlete or not? It’s such nonsense, all this fuss! I’m not the slightest bit interested in