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of Nature’s. It’s a thousand to one against it at this late day.


[With sudden fierce intensity]

Then it’s time to tell him the truth, isn’t it? We’ve suffered all our lives for his sake! We’ve made him rich and happy! It’s time he gave us back our son!



Aha . . . so that’s it! . . . tell Sam the truth? . . . at last! . . . by God, I’d like to tell him, at that! . . .

[With a sneer]

Our son? You mean yours, my dear! Kindly count me out of any further meddling with—



But Sam won’t believe me if I’m the only one to tell him! He’ll think I’m lying for spite, that it’s only my crazy jealousy! He’ll ask you! You’ve got to tell him too, Ned!



I’d like to see his face when I told him this famous oarsman isn’t his son but mine! . . . that might pay me back a little for all he’s taken from me! . . .


I’ve stopped meddling in Sam’s life, I tell you!



Think of what Sam has made us go through, of how he’s