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Yes—what must I do?—meddle again?

[The noise of Madeline’s excited voice cheering and clapping her hands, of Marsden’s voice yelling drunkenly, of Evans’, all shouting “Gordon! Gordon! Come on, Gordon!” comes from the cabin. Marsden appears swaying in the cabin doorway yelling “Gordon!” He is hectically tipsy. Darrell gives a violent shudder as if he were coming out of a nightmare and pushes Nina away from him]


[Thinking—dazedly still, but in a tone of relief]

Marsden again! . . . thank God! . . . he’s saved me! . . . from her! . . . and her Gordons! . . .

[Turning on her triumphantly]

No, Nina—sorry—but I can’t help you. I told you I’d never meddle again with human lives!

[More and more confidently]

Besides, I’m quite sure Gordon isn’t my son, if the real deep core of the truth were known! I was only a body to you. Your first Gordon used to come back to life. I was never more to you than a substitute for your dead lover! Gordon is really Gordon’s son! So you see I’d be telling Sam a lie if I boasted that I— And I’m a man of honor! I’ve proved that, at least!

[He raises his glasses and looks up the river]

[Thinking exultantly]

I’m free! . . . I’ve beaten her at last! . . . now come on, Navy! . . . you’ve got to beat her Gordons for me! . . .