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of Gordon. I was alone and I wanted to keep your love. I hated him as one hates a thief one may not accuse nor punish. I did my best to prevent your marriage. I was glad when he died. There. Is that what you wish me to say?


Yes. Now I begin to forget I’ve hated you. You were braver than I, at least.

Professor Leeds

I wanted to live comforted by your love until the end. In short, I am a man who happens to be your father.

[He hides his face in his hands and weeps softly]

Forgive that man!


[Thinking timidly]

In short, forgive us our possessing as we forgive those who possessed before us . . . Mother must be wondering what keeps me so long . . . it’s time for tea . . . I must go home . . .



Oh, I forgive you. But do you understand now that I must somehow find a way to give myself to Gordon still, that I must pay my debt and learn to forgive myself?

Professor Leeds



Mary will look after you.