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[Then angrily]

Why did she have to bring that Darrell with her?



When I said good-bye that night I had a premonition I’d never see him again.


[Glad of this opening for moral indignation]

You’ve never tried to see him, Nina!

[Then overcome by disgust with himself—contritely]

Forgive me! It was rotten of me to say that!


[Shaking her head—flatly]

I didn’t want him to see what he would have thought was me.


That’s the other side of it you couldn’t dissect into words from here, Charlie!

[Then suddenly asking a necessary question in her nurse’s cool, efficient tones]

Is he upstairs?

[Marsden nods stupidly]

I’ll take Ned up. I might as well.

[She turns and walks out briskly]


[Staring after her—dully]

That isn’t Nina. . . .


They’ve killed her soul down there! . . .

[Tears come to his eyes suddenly and he pulls out his handkerchief and wipes them, muttering huskily]

Poor old Professor! . . .