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You mean Doctor Darrell?

[Evans nods]

Is he a close friend of yours?



Well, sort of. Roomed in the same dorm with me at college. He was a senior when I was a freshman. Used to help me along in lots of ways. Took pity on me, I was so green. Then about a year ago when I went to the hospital to visit a fellow who’d been in my outfit I ran into him again.

[Then with a grin]

But I wouldn’t say Ned was close to anyone. He’s a dyed-in-the-wool doc. He’s only close to whatever’s the matter with you!

[He chuckles—then hastily]

But don’t get me wrong about him. He’s the best egg ever! You know him, don’t you?



Barely. Nina introduced us once.

[Thinking bitterly]

He’s upstairs alone with her . . . I hoped it would be I who . . .


Don’t want him to get the wrong idea of Ned . . . Ned’s my best friend . . . doing all he can to help me with Nina . . . he thinks she’ll marry me in the end . . . God, if she only would! . . . I wouldn’t expect her to