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move . . . but not too big a bomb . . . they blow to pieces easily . . .


Nina’s gone to pot again! Not that her father’s death is a shock in the usual sense of grief. I wish to God it were! No, it’s a shock because it’s finally convinced her she can’t feel anything any more. That’s what she’s doing upstairs now—trying to goad herself into feeling something!



I think you’re mistaken. She loved her father—


[Shortly and dryly]

We can’t waste time being sentimental, Marsden! She’ll be down any minute, and I’ve got a lot to talk over with you.

[As Marsden seems again about to protest]

Nina has a real affection for you and I imagine you have for her. Then you’ll want as much as I do to get her straightened out. She’s a corking girl. She ought to have every chance for a happy life.

[Then sharply driving his words in]

But the way she’s conditioned now, there’s no chance. She’s piled on too many destructive experiences. A few more and she’ll dive for the gutter just to get the security that comes from knowing she’s touched bottom and there’s no farther to go!


[Revolted and angry, half-springs to his feet]

Look here, Darrell, I’ll be damned if I’ll listen to such a ridiculous statement!