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There . . . this is all my desire . . . I am this kind of lover . . . this is my love . . . she is my girl . . . not woman . . . my little girl . . . and I am brave because of her little girl’s pure love . . . and I am proud . . . no more afraid . . . no more ashamed of being pure! . . .

[He kisses her hair again tenderly and smiles at himself]

[Then soothingly with a teasing incongruous gaiety]

This will never do, Nina Cara Nina—never, never do, you know—I can’t permit it!


[In a muffled voice, her sobbing beginning to ebb away into sighs—in a young girl’s voice]

Oh, Charlie, you’re so kind and comforting! I’ve wanted you so!


[Immediately disturbed]

Wanted? . . . wanted? . . . not that kind of wanted . . . can she mean? . . .

[Questioning hesitatingly]

You’ve wanted me, Nina?


Yes,—awfully! I’ve been so homesick. I’ve wanted to run home and ’fess up, tell how bad I’ve been, and be punished! Oh, I’ve got to be punished, Charlie, out of mercy for me, so I can forgive myself! And now Father dead, there’s only you. You will, won’t you—or tell me how to punish myself? You’ve simply got to, if you love me!


[Thinking intensely]