Page:Strange Tales Of Mystery And Terror Volume 01 Number 03 (1932-01) (Pages removed).djvu/114

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“Never have I seen human face express such rapture.”

The Smell

By Francis Flagg

Out of some coincident Other-World comes to Lemuel Mason a visitation, intangible, ecstatic—and deadly.

The famous physician, a noted member of the Society of Psychical Research, pulled thoughtfully at his pipe. “During all the years of my investigation of strange phenomena, have I ever run across anything that defied what we please to call natural explanation? Well, that is hard to say; I don’t know. Only years ago—” he paused and lit a match. “Perhaps I had better tell you about it.

“At the time I was a young doctor practicing medicine in a small town in Nova Scotia. That was before I became a member of the Society, but not before I had become interested in spiritualism and kindred subjects. At college I had