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The king of Spain's mighty navy, 1588, deſtroyed by the Engliſh fleet under captain Drake.


The northern lion over Tweed,

The maiden queen ſhalt next ſucced;

And join in one two mighty ſtates;

Then ſhall Janus ſhut his gates.


This relates to king James, who having been many years king of Scotland, the crown of England, by queen Elizabeth's death, fell to him; whereupon he came over Tweed to take up his reſidence here, and ſo joined the two kingdoms under one government. And as for Janus ſhutting his gates, you muſt know Janus was one of the Heathen gods that had a temple at Rome, the gates of which were never ſhut but in times of peace, alluding to which our propheteſs here declares the peaceful reign of king James.


Forth from the north miſchief blew,

And Engliſh Hob ſhall add thereunto;

Mars ſhall rage as he were woo'd,

And earth ſhall darken'd be with blood.