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The Wonderful Predictions of

A second Letter of Mrs. Love to her Husband.

My Heavenly Dear, I Call thee so, because God hath put heaven into thee, before he hath taken thee to heaven; thou now beholdest God, and Christ, and glory, as in a glass ; but to-morrow heaven’s gates shall be opened, and thou shalt be in the full enjoyment of that glory, which eye hath not seen, nor the ear heard, nor the heart of man can conceive. God hath now swallowed up thy thoughts with the joys of heaven, but ere long thou shalt be fully swallowed up in the enjoyment of heaven. O marvel not there should be such a quietness and calmness in thy spirit, whilst thou art falling into this tempestuous storm, because thou perceived, by the eye of faith, a haven of red, where thou shalt be with Christ the glory of heaven. O lift up thy head with joy, when thou layest it upon the block, in the thoughts of this, that thou art laying thy head to red in thy Saviour’s bosom; which, when thou shalt awake, shall be crowned, not with an earthly crown that fadeth away, but with an heavenly crown of glory. O be not discouraged, when thou shalt see a guard of soldiers triumphing with their trumpets about thee; but lift up thy head, and thou shalt behold God with a guard of angels, his holy angels, triumphing for the receiving thee into glory. O! be not discouraged at the scoffs and reproaches: thou mayest meet with in thy short way to heaven; for be assured, that God will not only glorify thy soul and body in heaven, but he will as sure make thy memory glorious upon earth. Oh! let not one troubled thought for thy wife and babes arise within thee, thy God will be our God and portion, he will be a husband to thy widow, and a father to thy children; the grace of thy God will be sufficient for us. Now, my dear, I desire willingly and freely to resign up my right of thee to my Father, and thy Father, who hath the greatest part and interest in thee. Tho’ men have separated us for a time, yet our merciful God will bring us together again, where we shall eternally enjoy one another, never to separate more; and let me hear how God bears up thy heart, and let me taste of the comforts that support thee, that they may be as pillars of marble to bear up my heart. I can write no more.

Farewel, Farewel, My Dear, till we shall meet where we shall bid farewel no more; till which time, I leave thee in the hands of a tender-hearted Father, and do the best till I shall rest with thee in heaven.


A letter