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The Wonderful Predictions, &c.

and doubts touching the truth of your graces: If ever I had confidence touching the grace of another, I have confidence of grace in you, as Peter said of Sylvanus, I am persuaded that this is the grace of God wherein ye stand, i Pet. ver. 12.

7thly, O my dear soul! wherefore dost thou doubt, whose heart has been upright, whose walking has been holy, &c. I could venture my soul this day, in thy soul’s stead, such a confidence have I in you.

8thly, When you find your heart secure, presumptuous and proud, then pore upon corruption more than grace; then look upon your graces without your infirmities.

9thly, Study the covenant of grace, and merits of Christ, and be troubled if you can: you are interested in such a covenant that accepts purposes for performances, desires for deeds, sincerity for perfection, die righteousness of another, viz. that of Jesus Christ, as it were our own alone, Oh, my love! red thou in the love of God, in the bosom of Christ.

10thly, Swallow up your will in the will of God, it is a bitter cup we are to drink, but it is the cup our Father hath put into our hands: when Paul was to suffer at Jerusalem, the Christians would say, ‘The will of the Lord be done. Oh! say ye so when I go to Tower-Hill, ‘The will of the ‘Lord be done.’

11thly, Rejoice in my joy. To mourn for me inordinately, argues, that you either envy or suspect my happiness. The joy of the Lord is my strength, Oh ! let it be yours also. Dear wife, farewel, I will call thee wife no more. I shall see thy face no more, yet I am not much troubled; for now I am going to meet the bridegroom, the Lord Jesus, to whom I shall be eternally married.

12thly, Refuse not to marry, when God offers you a fair opportunity; but be sure you marry in the Lord, and one of a good disposition that he nay not grieve you, and one of a comfortable livelyhood in t he world.

Farewel, dear love, and again I say Farewel, the Lord Jesus be with your spirit, the Maker of heaven and earth be a husband to you, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be a Father to your children———So prays,

Your dying, yet most affec
tionate friend till death.

From the Tower of London,
August 22d, 1651, the day
of my glorification.