Page:Strange stories from a Chinese studio.djvu/327

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was taking wine, and Ch'en said she was his wife, which very much astonished Liang, who further inquired whither they were going. " Westwards," answered Ch'en, and prevented any further questions by giving a signal for the music, which effectually put a stop to all further con- versation.^^ By-and-by, Liang found the wine getting into his head, and seized the opportunity to ask Ch'en to make him a present of one of his beautiful slave-girls. " You are dnmk," my friend," rephed Ch'en ; " however, I will give you the price of one as a pledge of our old friend- ship." And, turning to a servant, he bade him present Liang with a splendid pearl, saying, " Now you can buy a Green Pearl ; ^® you see I am not stingy ; " adding forthwith, " but I am pressed for time, and can stay no longer with my old friend." So he escorted Liang back to his boat, and, having let go the rope, proceeded on his way. Now, when Liang reached home, and called at Ch'en's house, whom should he see but Ch'en himself drinking with a party of friends ! "Why, I saw you only yesterday," cried Liang, "upon the Tung-t'ing. How quickly you have got back ! " Ch'en denied this, and then Liang repeated the whole story, at the conclusion of which Ch'en laughed, and said, " You must be mistaken. Do you imagine I can be in two places at orice ? " The company were all much astonished, and knew not what to make of it; and subsequently when Ch'en, who died at the age of eighty, was being carried to his grave, the bearers thought the cofl&n seemed remarkably light, and on opening it to see, foimd that the body had disappeared."

^^ At aU great banquets in China a theatrical troupe is engaged to perform while the dinner, which may last from four to six hours, drags its slow length along.

1* See No. LIV., note i.

  • ' The name of a celebrated beauty.

1* See No. LXIII., note 17.