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Falco Barbarus in India.

tire outer webs towards the tirs, pure white. The two central tail feathers unicolorous with the back, the next on either side similar, but albescent at the tip, and with an obscure dark subterminal band; the other lateral feathers broadly tipped on both webs with white, which tipping is succeeded by a broad very dark hair-brown transverse band, which gradually pales into the doll earthy brown of the whole basal portion of the feather, The external feather of all has a very narrow white margin to the outer web, and some more white on this latter quite at the base of the feather. The bill at present appears a sort of reddish brown; legs and feet, pale yellow. It is impossible to guess what the original color may have been.

A. O. H.

Falco Barbarus in India.

The occurrence of this species, heretofore believed to be confined to the Southern Mediterranean littoral, in India, is a matter of much interest; and as it must now be included in the Indian Avifauna, the following abstract of its synonymy will be useful to Indian Ornithologists:

Falco Barbarus, Linn. The Barbary Falcon.

Accipiter Falco tunctanus Briss Orn. I, p. 343, (1763) Falco Barbarus Linn Syst Nat p. 125, (1766) Gmel p. 272. (1789) Lath Ind Ori p. 33, (1790) Syn I, p. 72, (1781) Gon Hist B1, p. 82 B, (1829) Alphanet Schz Tr. de Fauconnerie Punions Levazill Jun Exp. Sci d'Algérie. Gennaja Barbarus Bonap Cat Ois a Fur. et de l'Alg. Barbary Falcon Gentl. Recre p. 208, (1677) Falco Pelegrinoides Temum PL. Col. 479.

All the synonymes but the last, I quote from Mr. Alfred Newton, as given by Mr. Salvin (Ibis, 1859, p. 188). As to the identity of this species with Temminck's Pelegrinoides, no possible doubt exists in my mind. His description, which I transcribe, agrees in the minntest particulars with both my birds. He says "the forehead presents a mixture of rufous and dull white. This part of the head is encircled by a black" (dark slaty in mine,)." horse-shoe-shaped band, of which tho lateral branches