Page:Stray feathers. Journal of ornithology for India and its dependencies (IA strayfeathersjou11873hume).pdf/382

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Notes on some of the Indian Pipits.

No. 725.Hesperiphona icteroides.

We were unlucky with this bird's nest. As the first one we found was a new one and the climber stupidly destroyed it, the next que had young ones. They breed very high up in the IIimalayan sprice fir. Captain Cock got three cggs last year in Kashmir: they are white, beautifully marked with broad longitudinal dashes of light and deep rulous brown at the larger end. They are 1.05 long and 8 broad. These birds breed at high elevations, tiever under 7,000 feet.

No. 778.--Sphenocercus sphenurus.

The kokla breeds in spruce firs about Murtee. The nest is usually about twenty feet up built by the trunk of the tice. It lays in June.

No. 784.-Palumbus casiotis:

Two nests taken about the middle of June; they breed in the valley of the Thelium at a low elevation in dense thoray jungles. The egg resembles that of the English wood-pigeon size, 1:65 by 1:15.

No. 792.--Turtur rupicola.

This species breeds in June in the pine forests. No. 795.--Turtur suratensis, Breeds in the bills as well as in the plains.

No. 820.-Caccabis chukor.

Several nests. This bird is found in great numbers all round Murrec.

Notes or some of the Indian Pipits.

By W. E. Brooks, Esq., C. E.

Last January, in walking over the barren treeless country south of Aescasole, which is undulating, having the slack places terraced for paddy cultivation, I met in one of these small paddy fields a single example of Corydalla Richardi, I was struck with the unusual note which it uttered as it rose, and I therefore followed it and shot it.