Page:Stray feathers. Journal of ornithology for India and its dependencies (IA strayfeathersjou11873hume).pdf/443

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Heterorhynchus Humei

edged with olive green; the chin, and throat and the sides of the breast are a sort of brick-dust red, and all the feathers of the breast are more or less tinged towards the tips with this color. (There is no mistake about this; we dissected the birds, and though some of the females have a little less red than others, they all exhibit it conspicuously.) The rest of the lower surface varies somewhat in shade in different specimens, but in all is a yellower, and paler olive green than the upper surface.

New Birds from Sikhim, by L. Mandelli.

Heterorhynchus, New Genus.

Characters.—Bill in form like that of Stachyris, hat longer and deeper, and the section of the lower mandible very square; nostrils long, and horizontally situated in a shallow short groove; they are sheltered by a sort of teet, or small segmental projecting shelf; wings short and much rounded; the first or small quill is unusually large and reaching nearly two-thirds the length of the wing; 2nd, .40 inch longer than let; 3rd, 28 inch beyond 2nd; 11h, 2 longer than 3rd; 5th, 1 inch longer than 4th; 6th, 05 inch longer than 5th; 7th,03 inch longer than 6th, and the longest in the wing; 80h, slightly longer than 6th; and 9th, about equal to 5th, from this they gradually decrease in the usual manner of very rounded wings. These proportions appertain to a wing 2.7 inches long. The legs, feet, and claws are stout and strong, and similar to those of a Garrulax or Trochalopteron; tail much graduated, broad, and soft, of moderate length or rather short for the bird ; plumage, soft and lax, and in character like that of Gurrulax or Trochalopleron.

Heterorhynchus Humci, Nov. Sp.

Description.—Color generally a pure black, spotted or streaked on the head and upper back with rufous brown; the feathers on the back, the wing coverts, and the outer webs of the quills are finely barred with the same color; the tail is also finely barred with rufous brown: the spots or small streaks on the forehead are nearly pure white, so are some down the side of the neck, reaching to the bend of the wing; most of the feathers of the upper surface are light shafted, so are thosc of the whole lower surface :