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the conditions that create this filth are continued year after year.

Eating without appetite is actually the only cause for the depraved physical condition described above. There can be no other cause. Food cannot lie in the stomach undigested if the stomach is first prepared for it by appetite and the enjoyment that it gives to the process of eating.

Let me emphasize with all possible clearness that in eating for the acquirement of the highest degree of vigorous health, the necessity for obeying the dictates of the appetite must be recognized to the fullest extent.

The appetite is absolutely the only guide as to quantity and character of food needed to nourish the body at different times, and if the delicate sensibility of this guide has been dulled and deadened by failure to acknowledge and follow its dictates, by crowding the stomach with food against the natural inclination just because it is meal time, the only indication that sufficient food has been eaten will be that the stomach can hold no more, and there will be