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of his flock, that Lionel's father should sternly take the initiative.

"Lionel Clarence Sampson, come here at once, sir!" the stern parent demanded.

There was no answer to this, and after a moment's ominous silence the command was repeated.

"Obey your father, Lionel, whatever the outcome, or however painful it may be for you," called Mrs. Sampson, who had been weeping a little toward the last.

"Do you mean that, ma'm?" asked the old engineer, pointedly.

"Certainly she means it, my good man!" It was the Rector who now spoke, a little impatiently. But still no boy appeared.

"Shall I fetch 'im, ma'm?" gleefully suggested the old engineer.

"No, he must come of his own free will!"

"Mebbe!" said Mr. Brown, softly, "mebbe!"

"Lionel Clarence Sampson, come out from your hiding-place at once, sir, and receive that chastisement which you have so richly merited!"

There was another painful silence, and then