Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/15

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The Abdomen and the Organs of Digestion and Excretion 132

The Abdominal Cavity, 132—Muscles of the Abdomen,
132—The Peritoneum, 134—Abdominal Regions, 134—Salivary
Digestion, 136—The Pharynx, 139—The
Esophagus, 138—The Stomach, 138—Gastric Digestion,
139—Vomiting, 140—Intestinal Canal, 141—The
Small Intestine, 142—Intestinal Digestion, 143—Absorption
in Intestine, 144—The Large Intestine, 145—Food
and Metabolism, 147—The Liver, 149—The Gall-bladder,
152—The Pancreas, 153—The Spleen, 153—The
Suprarenal Capsules, 154—The Kidneys, 155—The
Urine, 156—The Ureters, 159—The Bladder and
Urethra, 159.


The Pelvis and the Genital Organs 161

The Pelvis, 161—The Male Generative Organs, 164—The
Prostate Gland, 164—The Testes, 165—The Penis,
165—The Female Generative Organs, 165—The
Ovaries, 165—The Fallopian Tubes, 166—The Uterus,
167—The Vagina, 168—The External Genitalia in the
Female, 169—The Vulva, 169—The Mons Veneris,
169—The Labia Majora, 169—The Labia Minora, 170—The
Clitoris, 170—The Meatus Urinarius, 170—The
Hymen, 170—The Fourchette, 170—The Perineal
Body, 170—The Perineum, 170.


The Upper Extremities 171

The Shoulder Girdle, 171—The Clavicle, 171—The
Scapula, 173—Shoulder Muscles, 174—The Humerus,
175—Upper Arm Muscles, 176—The Ulna, 177—The
Radius, 178—The Wrist, 180—The Hand, 181—Meta-carpals,
181—Phalanges, 181—Muscles of the Forearm,
182—Muscles of the Hand, 184—Joints of the Upper
Extremity, 185—Blood Supply of the Upper Extremity,
185—Nerves of the Upper Extremity, 186.


The Lower Extremities 187

The Femur, 187—Thigh Muscles, 189—The Patella, 192—Joints
of the Lower Extremity, 192—The Tibia, 194—The
Fibula, 194—The Ankle, 195—The Foot, 195—Metatarsals,
195—Phalanges, 195—Muscles of the
Leg, 196—The Blood Supply of the Lower Extremity,
198—Nerves of the Lower Extremity, 199.

Index 201