Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/188

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sometimes affect the metacarpals and the phalanges, tuberculosis and syphilis. Both cause swelling of the bones.

Muscles of the Forearm.—The chief groups of muscles on the forearm are the flexors and pronators on the anterior surface and the extensors and supinators on the posterior surface. In general the flexors and pronators take their origin from on or around the internal condyle, while the extensors and supinators arise on or around the external condyle. Where not otherwise stated it will be understood that such is their origin. In a general way they may by grouped as follows:

Anterior Surface.

                             { flexor carpi radialis
Flexors of wrist { flexor carpi ulnaris
                             { palmaris longus

Flexors of fingers { flexor sublimis digitorum
                             { flexor profundus digitorum

Flexor of thumb flexor longus pollicis

Pronator of hand { pronator radii teres
                             { pronator quadratus

Posterior Surface.

Extensor of forearm anconeus

                             { extensor carpi radialis longior
Extensors of wrist { extensor carpi radialis brevior
                             { extensor carpi ulnaris

                             { extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis
Extensors of thumb { extensor primi internodii pollicis
                             { extensor secundi internodii pollicis

Extensor of fingers extensor communis digitorum

Extensor of index finger extensor indicis

Extensor of little finger extensor minimi digiti

Supinators of hand { supinator longus
                             { supinator brevis