Page:Structure and functions of the body; a hand-book of anatomy and physiology for nurses and others desiring a practical knowledge of the subject (IA structurefunctio00fiskrich).pdf/225

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Third nerve, 68, 72, 83

Thoracic aorta, 99, 107, 109

 duct, 31
 nerves, 186

Thoracic cutaneous nerve, 100

Thorax, 96

Thymus gland, 36, 124

Thyro-arytenoid ligaments, 122

Thyroid axis, 108

 cartilage, 121
 gland, 36, 124

Tibia or shin bone, 194

Tibial artery, 198

 nerve, 76, 87, 199

Tibialis anticus, 197

Tissues, areolar, 15

 bony, 13, 17
 cartilaginous, 13
 connective, 13, 15
 differentiation of, 13
 elastic, 15
 epithelial, 13
 fibrous, 15
 muscular, 13
 nervous, 13, 36

Tongue, 46, 59, 60

 tie, 62

Tonsillitis, 35, 62

Tonsils, 59, 62

Torticollis, 92

Touch, corpuscles, 37, 39, 46

 sense of, 45, et seq.

Trachea, 123

Tracheotomy, 123

Transudation of lymph, 33

Transversalis muscle, 133

 colli artery, 94

Transverse colon, 145

 processes of vertebræ, 89

Trapezium, 181

Trapezius, 93, 171

Trapezoid bone, 181

Triangular cartilage, 57

Triceps, 176, 177

Tricuspid valve, 104

Trifacial nerve, 61, 83

Trochanters, 189

Trochlear surface of femur, 189

 of humerus, 175

True pelvis, 163, 164

 ribs, 97

Trypsin, 144

Tuberculosis, 35, 122, 155, 159, 168, 182, 193, 194, 196

Tuberosities of humerus, 175

 of tibia, 194

Tuberosity of ischium, 163

 of radius, 178

Tubuli lactiferi, 100

Tumor albus, 194

Tumors, 100, 175

Tunica vaginalis oculi, 67

Turbinated bones, 48, 53, 54

Twelfth nerve, 84

Tympanum, 51, 63

Typhoid fever, 142, 154

Ulcer, 139

Ulna, 177, 178, 185

Ulnar artery, 108

 nerve, 85, 175, 186

Umbilical artery, 107

 region, 135
 vein, 106

Unciform bone, 181

Unstriated or unstriped muscle, 21, 22, 25

Upper extremities, 171, et seq.

Urea, 148, 152, 158

Ureters, 155, 156, 159

Urethra, 159, 160, 165

Urinary apparatus, 155, et seq.

Urine, 156, et seq.