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another. The horny epithelial cells that go to form the hair contain the pigment that gives it its color.

Fig. 12.—Skin and longitudinal section of hair: a, Epidermis; b, corium; c, sebaceous gland; d, fibrous root-sheath; e, glassy membrane; f, outer root-sheath; g, inner root-sheath; h, expanded bulbous end of hair; i, papilla of hair; j, arrector pili; k, adipose tissue. (Leroy)

Like the hairs, the sebaceous glands are situated in all parts of the body except the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. They lie in the papillary layer and empty into the hair follicles, except occasionally, when they empty directly upon the surface of the skin. They secrete an oily substance, sebum, the débris resulting from the degeneration of the epithelial cells of the gland itself, which serves to keep the hair glossy and the skin soft and flexible.