Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/116

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no Tkt Plan of th*

tution of the Sodomites clearly taught, we may feel sat- isfied of the truth of this glorious doftrine of Restitution for all mankind, spoken by the mouth of all the holy proph- ets. And why should not the Sodomites have an opportu- nity to reach perfection and everlasting life as well as Israel, or as any of us ? True, they were not righteous, but neither was Israel, nor were we who now hear the gospel. " There is none righteous; no, not one," aside from the imputed righteousness of Christ, who died for all. Our Lord's own words tell us that although God rained down fire from heaven and destroyed them all because of their wickedness, yet the Sodomites were not so great sinners in his sight as were the Jews, who had more knowledge. (Gen. 19: 24; Luke 17 : 29.) Unto the Jews of Capernaum he said, " If the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day." Matt. ii : 23*

Thus our Lord teaches that the Sodomites did not have a full opportunity; and he guarantees them such oppor- tunity when he adds (verse 24), "But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom, in the day of judgment, than for thee." The chara<5ler of the Day of Judgment and its work will be shown in succeeding pages. Here we merely call attention to the fadl that it will be a tolerable time for Capernaum, and yet more tokratk for Sodom \ because, though neither had yet had/w// knowl- edge, nor all the blessings designed to come through the "Seed," yet Caperuaum had sinned against more light.

And if Capernaum and all Israel are to be remembered and blessed under the "New Covenant," sealed by the blood of Jesus, why should not the Sodomites also be blessed among "alt the families of the earth? They assuredly will be. And let it be remembered that since God "rained down fire from heaven ,and destroyed thtnt all" many cex*

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