Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/141

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complete restoration of the individual to favorable condi- tions, conditions under which he will have fall and ample trial, before being adjudged worthy of the reward (lasting life), or of the penalty (lasting death).

In view of the great plan of redemption, and the conse- quent "restitution of all things/ 1 through Christ, we can see that blessings result through the permission of evil which, probably, could not otherwise have been so fully realized.

Not only are men benefited to all eternity by the experi- ence gained, and angels by their observation of man's ex- periences, but all are further advantaged by a fuller acquaint- ance with God's chara&er as manifested in his plan. When his plan is fully accomplished, all will be able to read clearly his wisdom, justice, love and power. They will see the justice which could not violate the divine decree, nor save the justly condemned race without a full cancellation of their penalty by a willing redeemer. They will see the love which provided this noble sacrifice and which highly exalted the Redeemer to God's own right hand, giving him power and authority thereby to restore to life those whom he had pur- chased with his precious blood. They will also see the power and wisdom which were able to work out a glorious destiny for his creatures, and so to overrule every opposing influence as to make them either the willing or the un- willing agents for the advancement and final accomplish- ment of his grand designs. Had evil not been permit- ted an<i thus overruled by divine providence, we can- not see how these results could have been attained. The permission of evil for a time among men thus displays a far- seeing wisdom, which grasped all the attendant circum- stances, devised the remedy, and marked the final outcome through his power and grace.

During the Gospel dispensation sin and its attendant evils JHve been further made use of for the discipline and yrerara-

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