Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/151

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JDay of Judgment* 4$

We do'not wish to be understood as ignoring the present responsibility of the world, which every man has, accord- ing to the measure of light enjoyed, whether it be much or little, whether it be the light of nature or of revelation. " The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good/' and " God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil." (Prov.i5 : 3; Eccl. 12: 14.) The good and the evil deeds of the present time will receive kjust irecompense of reward either now or hereafter. "Some imen's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment, and some they follow after/' (r Tim, 5 : 24.) No others than the Lord's favored " little flock" have as yet sufficient light to incur the final penalty, the second death. We here merely broach the subjedl of the world's present accounta- bility, leaving the particulars for subsequent consideration.

A period of about six thousand years intervenes between the world's first and second judgment days, and during this long period God has been sele&ing two special classes from among men, and specially trying, disciplining and training them to be his honored instruments during the period or ,day of the world's judgment

These two classes are rcspedlively designated by Paul (Heb. 3 : S 6) as the house of sons and the house of serv- ants, the former being composed of those overcomers tried and found faithful during the Christian dispensation, and the latter being composed of the faithful overcomers who preceded the Christian dispensation. The two periods dur- ing which these two distin& companies were being called, tried and sele&ed were two distinct judgment days \ not for the world, but for these two special classes. Those who successfully pass the trial for either of these special classes will not come into judgment with the world, but will enter upon their reward when the world is coming into judgment


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