Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/18

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12 The Plan of the

v/ould lead into a labyrinth of bewilderment and confusion* The other method is to divest our minds of all piejudice, and to remember that none can know more about the plans of God than he has revealed in his Word, and that it was given to the mceli and lowly of heart ; and, as such, earnest- ly and sincerely seeking its guidance and instruction only, we shall by its great Author be guided to an understanding of it, as it becomes due to be understood; by making use of the various helps divinely r,;ovidcd. See Eph. 4 : n~i6.

As an aid to ibis cl'iss 01 students, this work is specially designed. It will be noticed ir>j.i its references are to Scrip- ture only, except where secuLtr history may be called in to prove the fulfilment of Scripture statements. The testimony of modern theologians has been ^ivea no weight, and tlict of the so-called Early Fathers has been omitted. Many of them have testified in harmony with thoughts herein ex- pressed, but we believe it to bo a common failing of the present and all times for insn to believe certain doftrines because others did so, in whom they had confidence. This is manifestly a fruitful cauac of error, for many good people have believed and taught cmr/ in all good conscience. (Ads 26 : 9.) Trudvsecker-o should empty their vessels of the muddy waters of tradition aad fill them at the fountain of truth God's Word. And no religious teaching should have weight except as it guides the truth-seeker to thai fountain.

For even a general and hasty examination of the whole Bible and its teaching, ihis work is too small ; but, recogniz- ing the haste of our da}-, we have endeavored to be as brief as the importance of the sufyVels seemed to permit.

To the interested sUu.Vil we would suggest that it will be useless for h'm merely to skim over thin work, and hope to obtain the force and harmony of the phn suggested, nnd the Scripture evidences herein *jd\!seiiiet(. We have endeav- ored throughout to r>re$eot tNi various fragments of truth,

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