Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/200

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194 The Plan of the

pose within a specific time the Gospel age. While we can- not doubt that God could have foreseen the a&ion of each individual member of the Church, and could have fore- known just who would be worthy and therefore constitute members of that "little flock," yet this is not the way in which God's Word presents the doctrine of election. It was not the thought of an individual predestination which the apostles sought to inculcate, but that a class was prede- termined in God's purpose to fill the honorable position, the selection of which would be upon conditions of severe trials of faith and obedience and the sacrifice of earthly privileges, etc., even unto death. Thus by an individual trial, and by individually "overcoming," the individual members of the predetermined class are being chosen or ac- cepted into all the blessings and benefits predetermined of God for this class.

The word "glorified" in Rom. 8s 30, from the Greek dox&zO) signifies honored. The position to which the Church is ele&ed is one of great honor. No man could think of aspiring to so great an honor. Even our Lord Jesus was first invited before he aspired to it, as we read : " So also Christ glorified \doxaso honored] not himself to be made an High Priest, but he that said unto him, 'Thou art my Son, to-day have I begotten thee.' " The heavenly Father thus honored our Lord Jesus ; and all of the elect body who are to be joint-heirs with him will be thus honored by Jeho- vah's favor. The Church, like its Head, experiences a be- ginning of the "honor" when tegottenolt God to spirit- ual nature through the word of truth (James i : 18), and will be fully ushered into the honor when born of the Spirit, spiritual beings in the image of the glorified Head, Those and since we were by inheritance sinners, he not only called or invited us to the honor, but also provided justification

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