Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/222

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2 i6 2 he Plan of the Ages.

of the travelers. Verses 8 and 9 show that it is a public road, opea to all the redeemed every man. Every man for whom Christ died, who will recognize and avail himself of the opportunities and blessings purchased by the pre- cious blood, may go up on this Highway of Holiness to the grand goal of perfect restitution to human perfeaion and everlasting life.

Nor will these be reckoned justified and granted a reck- oned standing of holiness and perfection in the sight of God; when started upon this highway of holiness they may go up thereon to aftml perfection, as a result of endeavor and obedience, to which all things will be made favorable by their Redeemer, then reigning in power. Each individual will, according to his necessities, be aided by the wise and perfect administration of the new kingdom. This, as will occur to some, is the legitimate result of the ransom. Since our Lord, the man Christ Jesus, gave him- self a ransom for all, and desires all to come to a knowledge of the truth, and thereby to aclual perfection, why does he not at once make a good and broad highway for all? Why does he not remove the obstructions, the stumbling-stones, the pitfalls and snares? Why not help the sinner back to full- harmony with God, instead of making the way narrow, rugged, thorny, hard to find, and still harder to walk in? A failure rightly to divide the Word of truth, and to see that the present narrow way leads to the special prize, and is for the trial and selection of a little flock of joint-heirs, the body of Christ, which, when selected and exalted with their Head, shall bless all nations, has led some to very con- fused ideas on the subject. Palling to see God's plan, many try to preach a highway of holiness, an easy way to life, in the present age, when no such way exists, and they con- fuse and compromise the matter to fit the facls and the Scriptures with their mistaken theories. On the highway

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