Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/240

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this 5 for it is the sacrifice we covenanted to mate. God requires that we show our appreciation of the great prize by giving all that we have and are for it ; not to men, hut to God a sacrifice holy and, through Christ, acceptable to him -our reasonable service.

When we present all these things, we say : Lord, how wouldst thou have me deliver this, my sacrifice, my time, talent, influence, etc., to thee? Then, examining God's Word for an answer, we hear his voice instrudting us to de- liver our all to him as our Lord Jesus did, by doing good unto all men as we have opportunity, especially to the house- hold of faith serving them with spiritual or with natural food, clothing them in Christ's righteousness or with the earthly raiment, as we may have ability, or as they may need. Having consecrated all, we are begotten of the Spirit, we Lave reached plane M; and now, through the power given unto us, if we use it, we will be able to perform all of our covenant, and to come off conquerors, and more than con- querors, through (the power or Spirit of) him who loved us and bought us with, his own precious blood. But, thus walk*

  • Ke'er think the victory won,

Nor once at ease sit down. Thine arduous work will not be done Till thou hast gained thy crown,"

The crown will be won when we, like our faithful Brother Paul, have fought a good fight and finished the course, but not sooner. Until then, the flame and incense of our sac* ritfce of labor and service must ascend daily a sacrifice of sweet odor unto God, acceptable through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Those of this overcoming class who " sleep'* will be raised spirit beings, plane Z, and those of the same class who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord will

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