Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/245

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class. Wheat will be separated from tares, ripe wheat from unripe, etc. Those in class n are a "first fruits" of the wheat, and after being separated they will, in due time, become Christ's bride, and be forever with and like her Lord. The separation of this little flock from Babylon is shown by figure s. She is on the way to become one with the Lord, and to bear his name and share his glory. The glo- rified Christ, Head and body, is shown by figure w+ Fig- ures /, u and v represent Babylon the nominal Church falling, going to pieces during "the time of trouble" in the "day of our Lord." Though this may seem to be a dreadful thing, yet it will adlually be of great advantage to all the true wheat. Babylon falls because she is not what she claims to be. The Church nominal contains many hyp- ocrites, who have associated themselves with her because of her honorable standing in the eyes of the world, and who, by their condud are making Babylon a stench in the nostrils of the world. The Lord always knew their real chara&er, but according to his purpose he lets them alone until the harvest, when he will "gather out of [or from] his kingdom [true Church, and bind in bundles] all things that offend, and them which do iniquity, and cast them into a furnace of fire [trouble, destructive to their nominal sys- tem and false profession]. . . . Then shall the righteous [the n class] shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. (Matt. 13: 41-43.) The trouble coming upon the Church will be occasioned in great measure by the growth of Infidelity and Spiritism, of various kinds, which will be severe trials because Babylon holds so many doctrines con- trary to God's Word. As in the harvest of the Jewish age the cross of Christ was to the Jew, expeding glory and power, a stumbling block, and to the worldly-wise Greek, foolishness, so in the harvest of the Gospel age it will again be the stone of stumbling and rock of offense.

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