Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/255

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down to the final destruction of their nationality, A. D. 70, since which time they have been scattered among all nations*

The kingdom of Israel is the only one, since the fall, which God ever recognized as in any way representing his government, laws, etc. There had heen many nations be- fore theirs, but no other could rightfully claim God as its founder, or that its rulers were God'r representatives. When the diadem was taken from Zedekiah and the king- dom of Israel was overturned, it was decreed that it should remain overturned until Christ, the rightful heir of the world, should come to claim it. Thus, inferential!}*, all other kingdoms in power until the re-establishment of God's kingdom are branded "kingdoms of this world," under the " prince of this world;'* and hence any claims put forth by any of them to being kingdoms of God are spuri- ous. Nor was this Kingdom of God "SET UP" at the first advent of Christ, (Luke 19 : 12.) Then and since then God has been selecting from the world those who shall be accounted worthy tu reiga with Christ as joint-heirs of that throne. Not until his second advent will Christ take the kingdom, the power and the glory, and reign Lord of all.

All other kingdoms than that of Israel are Scripturally called heathen or Gentile kingdoms "the kingdoms of this world," tinder the "prince of this world "~~ Satan, The removal of God's kingdom In the days of Zedekiah left the world without any government of which God could approve, or whose laws or affairs he specially supervised. The Gentile governments God recognized indireftly, in that he publicly declares his decree (Luke 21 : 24) that dur ing the interregnum the control of Jerusalem and the world should be exercised by Gentile governments.

This interregnum, or intervening period of time between the removal of God' scepter and gbvernment and the restoration of the same in greater ,-power and glory in

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