Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/268

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262 The Plan of the

versal empire. So, too, with the true Kingdom of God: it has long existed separate from the world, not attempting nilership, but awaiting its timethe time appointed by the Ancient of days. And, like the others, it must receive its appointment and must come into authority or be "set up" before it can exercise its power in the smiting ajid slaying of the beast or kingdom preceding it. Hence the ap- propriateness of the statement, "In the days of these kings [while they still have power] shall the God of heaven set up [establish in power and authority] a king- dom. ' ' And after it is set up, * ' it shall break in pieces and (Dan. 2 : 44.) Hence, however we may look for it, we must expect God's Kingdom to be inaugurated before the fall of the kingdoms of this world, and that its power and smiting will bring their overthrow.


Supreme right and authority to rule the world are and ever will be vested in the Creator, Jehovah, no matter whom he may permit or authorize to have subordinate control. Un- der the imperfections and weaknesses resulting from his disloyalty to the King of kings, Adam soon grew weak and helpless. As arnonarch he began to lose the power by which, at first, he commanded and held the obedience of the lower animals by the strength of his will. He lost control of himself also, so that when he would do good his weaknesses interfered and evil was present with him ; and the good he even would do lie did not do, and the evil which he would not, he did.

Hence, while making no attempt to excuse our rebel race, we can sympathize with its vain efforts to govern itself and to arrange for its own well-being. And something can be said of the success of the world in this direction ; for, while recognizing the real character of these beastly governments,

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