Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/348

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tion has been for the purpose of giving mankind in general as favorable an opportunity as possible, when, as individtials, they will be placed on trial for eternal life. The long period of six thousand years has greatly multiplied the race, and their bufferings and sufferings under the dominion of evil have given them an experience which will be greatly to their advantage when they are brought to judgment. And though the race as a whole has been permitted thus to suffer for six thousand years, yet as individuals they have run their course in a few brief years.

We have seen that while the race was undergoing this necessary discipline, in due time God sent his Son to re- deem them ; and that while the mass of mankind did not recognize the Redeemer in his humiliation, and would not believe that the Lord's Anointed would thus come to their rescue, yet from among those whose hearts were toward God, and who believed his promises, God has been, during these ages past, selecting two companies to receive the hon- ors of his kingdom the honors of sharing in the execution of the divine plan. These two select companies, we have seen, are to constitute the two phases of the Kingdom of God. And from the prophets we learn that this kingdom is soon to be established in the earth ; that under its wise and just administration all the families of the earth will be blessed with a most favorable opportunity to prove them- selves worthy of everlasting life ; that as the result of their redemption by the precious blood of Christ, a grand high- way of holiness will be cast up ; that the ransomed of the Lord (all mankind Heb. 2 r 9) may walk in it ; that it will be a public thoroughfare made comparatively easy for all who earnestly desire to become pure, holy ; and that all the stumbling-stones will be gathered out, and all the snares, allurements and pitfalls removed, and blessed will all those be who go up thereon to perfection and everlasting life.

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