Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/36

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subjecT:. Intricate in construction, exquisitely beautiful In form and texture, each speaks of a wisdom and skill above the human. How short-sighted the absurdity which boasts of human skill and ingenuity, and attributes to mere chance the regularity, uniformity and harmony of nature ; which acknowledges the laws of nature, while denying that nature has an intelligent Lawgiver.

Some who deny the existence of an intelligent Creator claim that nature is the only God, and that from nature all forms'of animal and vegetable developments proceeded with- out the ordering of intelligence, but governed, they say, by

  • <the law of the survival of the fittest* ' in a process of evolution.

This theory lacks proof, for all about us we see that the various creatures are of fixed natures which do not evolve to higher natures ; and though those who hold to this theory have made repeated endeavors, they have never succeeded either in blending different species or in producing a new fixed variety. No instance is known where one kind has changed to another kind.* Though there are fish that can use their fins for a moment as wings, and fly out of the water, and frogs that can sing, they have never been known to change into birds ; and though there are among brutes some which bear a slight resemblance to men, the evidence is wholly lacking that man was evolved from such creatures, On the contrary, investigations prove that though different varieties of the same species may be produced, it is impos- sible to blend the various species, or for one to evolve from another. For the same reason the donkey and the horse, though resembling each other, cannot be claimed as related, for it is well known that their offspring is imperfect and cannot propagate either species.

  • For the benefit cf some renders we remark that changes such f

the tr*nsfcnrm*tk>n of caterpillars into butterflies are not changes of BIT tore: the caterpillar is but the Ur^a ixatchcd from the butterfly 1 * egg.

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