Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/42

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36 The Plan of the


��'What fb!Iy, then," the faithless critic cries, With sneering lip and wise, wor d-knowing eyes, "While fort to fort and post to post repeat The ceaseless challenge of the war-drum's beat, And round the green earth, to the church-bell "H chime, The morning drum-roll of the camp keeps time, To dream of peace amidst a world in arms ; Of swords to plowshares changed by Scriptural charms; Of nations, drunken with the wine of blood, Staggering to take the pledge of brotherhood, Like tipplers answering Father Mathew's cull. ,

Check Bau or Kaiser with a barricade

Of 'Olive leaves' and resolutions made;

Spike guns with pointed S'jriptuic texts, and hope

To capsize navies with a windy trope ;

Still shall the glory and the pomp of war

Along their train the shouting millions draw;

Still dusky labor to the parting brave

His cap shall doff and beauty's kerchief wave;

Still shall the bard to valor tune his song;

Still hero-worship kneel before the strong ;

Rosy and sleek, the sable-gowned divine,

O'er his third bottle of suggestive wine,

To plumed und sworded auditors shall prove

Their trade accordant with the law of love ;

And Church for State, and State for Church shall fight,

And both agree that might alone is right."

Despite the sneers like these, faithful few, Who dare to hold God's Word and witness true, Whose clear-eyed faith transcends our evil time, And o'er the present wilderness of crime Sees the calm future with its robes of green, Its fleece-flecked mountains, and soft streams between, Still keep the track which duty bids ye trend, Though worldly wisdom shake the cautious head. No truth from heaven descends ujon our sphere Without the greeting of the skeptic's sneer : Denied, ami mocked at, till its blessings fail Common as dew and sunshine over nil

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