Page:Studies on the legend of the Holy Grail.djvu/22

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[The reader is kindly begged to mark in these corrections before using the book.]

Page 22,line 12, for Corbièrc read Corbière.
,, 25, line 37, insert Passion before Week.
,, 30, 7 lines from bottom, for Avallon read Avalon.
,, 85, line 24, for Percival read Perceval.
,, 86, line 12, for Percival read Perceval.
,, 90, 5 lines from bottom, for Pelleur read Pelleans.
,, 102, line 22 for seems read seem.
,, 120 line 3, for 1180 read 1189.
,, 124, line 29, for Bron read Brons.
,, 156, line 11, insert comma after specially.
,, 159, line 11, for Henessey read Hennessy.
,, 163 note, i.e, for Graal read Gaal.
,, 183, line 23, insert comma after more.
,, 188, line 5, for euphemerised read euhemerised.
,, 188, line 5, for invasion read invasions.
,, 188, line 17, for mystic read mythic.
,, 189, line 1,for LXXVII read LXXXII.
,, 197, note, for Carl the Great read Karl the Great.
,, 200, line 12, insert comma after plight; dele comma after love
,, 201, 1 line from bottom, insert late before mediaeval.
,, 204, note, for Percival read Perceval.
,, 217, line 23, for mystic read mythic.