Page:Studies on the legend of the Holy Grail.djvu/306

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Pagan essence of Grail etc. in the Christianised romances, 238.
Partinal, 81, 88, 142-43.
Parzival, 101, 252-53. See Perceval and Wolfram.
Paulin-Paris, 5, explanation of word Grail 103, 111, 116-17, 119.
Pearson on the Veronica legend 222, and St. Brandan 265.
Peleur, 83.
Pelicans or Pellehem 83-86, 90.
Pelles, 83-86, 90.
Perceval, Perceval-Quest, type hero of Quest 66-67, 72, 78, relation to the Grail-keeper 80-86, 88-89, 91-92, oldest hero of Quest 93, 94, 98, 101, 102-04, according to Birch-Hirschfeld 110-119, 125, in Didot-Perceval and Conte du Graal 127-31, in Mabinogi and Conte du Graal 131-45, relation to (bespelled) cousin 139-42, relation of existing versions to earliest form 146, in the Thornton MS. romance 147-51, hero of Expulsion and Return Formula 153-56, parallel with Highland folk-tales 157-58, relation to Twin Brethren folk-tale and dualism in 162-64, 169, versions of Quest 171-76, visit to the Maidens' Castle 178-79, 180, 181, significance of Didot-Perceval form 182, 187, and sword 189, Castle of Maidens 191, 195, 199, parallel with Diarmaid 202, possible hero of Haunted Castle form 204-05, relation to Fisher 207, his silence 211-14, 226, superiority to Galahad Quest 236, 237-38, 240-41, 245, 247, 254, 256, 261-62. See also Parzival and Peredur.
Perceval's aunt, 79.
Perceval's sister, 83-84, 163.
Perceval's uncle, 78.
Perceval le Gallois, numbered G 3, authorship 6, 65-66, 69, 104, 121, 126, 246.
Peredur (hero of Mabinogi = Perceval), Peredur-saga, 106, mother of 115, 132-36, parallel to Tom of the Goat-skin 134, the sword test 138, hero of the stag hunt 139-42, 143, original form of saga 144-45, 153-54, 157, 162, 163, 164, 168-69, and Fionn l87 and 203, 220, fish absent from 224, genesis and growth of 225-227, 228, Blanchefleur incident in 241. See Perceval.
Peronnik l'idiot, 125, 158.
Perseus, 256.
Petrus, 77, 82, 88-90, 106, 109, 112, connection with Geoffrey conversion legend 219.
Pfaffe Amis, 265.
Pilate, 65, 70.
Potter Thompson and Arthur, 198, 262.
Potvin, 1, 2, 6, his views 104, 174, 177.
Prester John, 100.
Procopius, 191.
Promised or Good Knight, and Grail Keeper 80-86, Galahad as 85-86 work of 86-91, qualifications of 92-93, 107, 109.
Prophecy incident in Grail romances, 156.
Pseudo-Chrestien, 8, 209.
Pseudo-Gautier, numbered AIIa 2, 15-16, 70, 72, 74, 77, 79, 81, 95.
Pseudo-Manessier, numbered A IIIa 2, 19, 72-73.
Queste del St. Graal, numbered D 2-3, varying redactions distinguished typographically 38, 65-67, 72, 75-76, 79, three drafts of 83-86, 90-91, glorification of virginity in 93, 95, 103, 107, relation to Grand St. Graal 108-09, to Conte du Graal 110-11, 112, 113, authorship of 117-20, 121, 126, 131, 146, visit to Grail Castle in 172-73, 180, 183, 186, 207, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 236, ideal of 238-40 and 243-44, ideal criticised 243-44, merits of 244-45, 246, inferiority to Wolfram 250, 251.
Question, Birch-Hirschfeld's opinion 171, 180, belongs to unspelling Quest 181-82, 191, 196, 203, Wolfram's presentment 249-50.
Red Knight, 147-49, 155-56, 162, 189.
Renan on Celtic poetry, 234-35.
Rhys, 198, 209, 211, Bran legend 219-20, 265.
Rich Fisher or King. See Fisher King.
Riseut, 141.
Robert de Borron. See Borron.
Rochat, 19, his views 101-02.
Roland, 229, 232.
Roménie, 118.
Rosette, 130, 141. See Loathly Damsel.
Salmon of Wisdom, 209-10.
San Marte, views 99-100, 101-02, and Wolfram 250-5.
Sarras, 72, 77, 79.
Schröder, Brandan legend 264-65.
Seat, empty or Perillous, 81-82, 88-90.
Secret words, 73, 89, 179.
Seraphe 108.
Sex-relations in Middle Ages, 240-42.