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with an irresistible force, and quell once and for all the power of the fanatic and the false prophet in the Sûdan.

It was no time now for further vacillation. The people of England demanded action; prompt, energetic, decisive. The cost was not to be counted; cost what it might a blow in real earnest was to be struck this time, and the power of the Mahdi crushed out for ever.

For a period of a fortnight there was a hurry and a bustle in all the war departments. Hundreds of fresh hands were taken on at Woolwich, and a scene of activity took place in the yards there such as has not been witnessed since the days of the Crimea.

In a few days the details of the new expedition appeared in the press, a number of vessels were immediately chartered for conveying this forte to the scene of operations; and orders were sent out to India and Egypt for the immediate purchase of a large number of camels, mules, and horses, for the use of the Transport. A week followed during which the various portions of the force were inspected by H.R.H. the Commander-in-chief, and then every day a constant succession of transports left the shores of England carrying a force more