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order, and to make out a list of things I should require, and which were to be purchased the following day.

The next morning early found me in Pall Mall, reporting myself.

"Yes," said my interviewer, "you must proceed to Ireland at once, and fetch over some men from there in time to sail from Southampton on Tuesday next."

I must confess that, in spite of all my military ardour, this was rather a blow. To be ordered out was one thing, but to be started off to Ireland at two hours' notice, without a particle of kit belonging to me, was quite another pair of shoes. Putting on my pleasantest manner, therefore, and giving my assurance that I was perfectly ready to go anywhere I was ordered, I finished up by suggesting mildly that, being a married man with encumbrances, it was just a trifle inconvenient

"Well," said Sir ——, "we will see if we can manage it. Sit down a moment."

In a few minutes my destination was, I am thankful to say, changed for Aldershot, and I went down there the same afternoon to ask for a couple of days' leave.

Monday, 16th of February, found me again at