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town was quite open. These defences are exceedingly strong, and of considerable extent, and stretch over a distance of nearly two miles. The greater part of the lines are composed of strong earthworks, but in parts high walls of coral have been built. The principal forts and redoubts in these lines, commencing from the right or western side of the town, are Gerzireh Redoubt, close to the edge of the lagoons, and connected by a wet ditch with Yamin Redoubt on its left. The lines here turn sharply to the southward, the next strong points being Lausari Redoubt, Oorban Redoubt, Wastanieh Redoubti and Forts Carysfort and Euryalus, the strongest points of the whole of the defences. A little to the south-east of these two, forts are Fort Commodore and Gedeedeh Redoubt, where the lines trend eastward till they reach the lagoons on the south side of the old town, passing through Fort Turk, and the Arab and Sphink Redoubts to the Left Redoubt, Outside these lines, and about three quarters of a mile distant, there is a complete chain of small, circular redoubts with the Right and Left Water Forts on the west, and Fort Foulah on the south.

There are two principal entrances in the lines on the right of Fort Carysfort, and at Yamin