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edible fruits, usually so widely distributed by birds, and no wind-borne composites. The sea was probably some distance away, as there is little sign of brackish-water plants, or eveu of plants which usually occur within reach of an occasional tide; one piece however yielded seeds of Ruppia, The climate to which the plants point may be described as northern. The white-birch, sallow and hazel were the only trees; the alder is absent. All the plants have a high northern range, and one, the dwarf Arctic-birch, is never found at sea-level in latitudes as far south as the Dogger Bank (except very rarely in the Baltic provinces of Germany).

The plants already found are:—

Ranunculus Lingua

Castalia alba

Cochlearia sp.

Lychnis Flos-cuculi

Arenaria trinervia

Spiraea Ulmaria

Rubus fruticosus

Epilobium sp.

Galium sp.

Valeriana officinalis

Menyanthes trifoliata

Lycopus europaeus

Atriplex patula

Betula alba


Corylus Avellana

Salix repens


Sparganium simplex

Alisma Plantago

Potamogeton natans

Ruppia rostellata

Scirpus sp.

Carex sp.

Phragmites communis

Among the nine species of beetle determined by Mr G. C. Champion it is noticeable that two belong to sandy places. This suggests that the fen may have