Page:Substance of the speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords.djvu/3

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THE West India Merchants and Planters, together with the Mercantile Interest of Liverpool, acknowledging, with the most lively sensibility, the very eminent services of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, were eagerly solicitous to publish his Sentiments on the last Discussion of the Slave Trade. Their application meeting with the desired effect, they now offer the Substance of His Royal Highness's Speech, in the present form, not only as a testimony of their greatest esteem, but as the best means of combating, in a rational and argumentative may, the erroneous and dangerous doctrines of their adversaries.——For similar reasons, they have also requested the publication of the very able Speech of the Earl of Westmoreland, whose permission has also been obtained.