Page:Substance of the speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords.djvu/35

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key, for the purposes of state, of luxury, and even for the seraglios of Mahometans. As to the fact, I will admit that gentleman to be right; but he is erroneous as to numbers; for, my Lords, the numbers annually transported by the Eastern channels to Turkey, to Egypt, to Russia, and to the East Indies, are immense. I will not shock your Lordships minds by the horrid cruelties and barbarities which the miserable and devoted wretches experience from the gratification of their Mahomedan and Eastern masters. And here, my Lords, I have a right to draw a contrast between the humanity of the West India Traders, and the atrocity of those now described. In one case, we find the milk of human kindness; in the other, acts of turpitude and violence which outrage the sensibilities of nature, and mortify and disgrace mankind.

The Portuguese transport 40,000 annually to the Brazils. The French, previous to the revolution, during the last peace, supplied