Page:Substance of the speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords.djvu/59

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tion to their improvement in morality and religion, shall be neglected; but we must at the same time declare, that we are actuated by motives of humanity only, and not with any view to the termination of the Slave Trade.

"The Right of obtaining Labourers from Africa is secured to Your Majesty's faithful subjects in this colony BY several British Acts of Parliament, and by several Proclamations of Your Majesty's Royal Ancestors. They, or their predecessors, have emigrated and settled in Jamaica, under the most solemn promises of this (absolutely necessary) assistance, and they can never give up or do any act that may render doubtful their essential right.

"We have the utmost reliance on Your Majesty's paternal goodness, that this right shall remain inviolate, as long as they shall remain faithful to Your Majesty, and