Page:Substance of the speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords.djvu/70

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The French, excluding the foreign tonnage, employed 350,000
Seamen (French), 50,000
About fourteen seamen to every 100 tons.
Their West India commerce alone, 600 ships at 350 tons each 29,000
Seamen, fourteen to 100 tons 29,000
Imports from the West Indies 185 millions livres.
Exports to ditto 78 millions livres.ditto

From these estimates I have clearly proved, that in the year 1788 the British property in the West Indies amounted to £.70,000,000 sterling. Admitting that the price of Negroes, since the commencement of the war, has risen from £.50 to between £.80 and £.90 sterling per head, the improvement of property in the same period much more than counterbalances the advance; and hence I am perfectly well warranted in saying, that the whole capital of the Old British West India property amounts to at least