Page:Substitution for the Testimony of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.pdf/36

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and as such, they did not feel they needed to train Al-Qahtani as much. Sheikh Mohammed added that Al-Qahtani was going to arrive during tourist season, which Sheikh Mohammed thought would also facilitate his entry into the U.S.

Money Sent to 9/11 Hijackers

73. Sheikh Mohammed explained that al-Shehhi was sent $81,000 (U.S.) via al-Baluchi for al-Shehhi's, Atta's and Jarrah's flight training....Most of these types of transfers were made by al-Hawsawi who was located in the UAE.

Hijacker Instructions Not To Speak with Muslims

74. Sheikh Mohammed said that he explicitly told Mohammad Atta and the other pilots and muscle operatives not to speak with any Muslims once in the United States. The only exception to this rule was concerning Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, whom he instructed to contact an Islamic Center or Mosque to help them get settled in the country since they did not speak English.

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