Page:Substitution for the Testimony of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.pdf/4

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was part of the plot, there should have been some disruption or change in plans.

Evolution of the 9/11 Operation

6. Sheikh Mohammed provided information on the evolution of his plot to hijack planes in the United States with suicide operatives. During 1994, he, Ramzi Yusif, Usama Asmurai aka Wali Khan and [A]bdul Hakim Murad worked on the Bojinka plot - the plan to explode in mid-air 12 U.S. commercial airline[r]s traveling either from or to U.S. destinations. This plot was disrupted in early 1995. Sheikh Mohammed traveled to Afghanistan in 1996 to convince Bin Laden to give him money and operatives so that he could hijack 10 planes in the U.S. to fly them into targets, with five targets on each coast of the United States. Bin Laden was not convinced of the practicality of the operation, but in either March or April 1999, Bin Laden changed his mind, and summoned Sheikh Mohammed to meet him in Qandahar, Afghanistan. Bin Laden told Sheikh Mohammed that he now thought the idea could work, and informed him that the operation now had al Qaeda's full support. Bin Laden immediately offered him four individuals as potential hijacker-suicide operatives: Walid Muhammad Salih Bm Atta[s]h [(a.k.a. "Khallad")]; Abu Bara al-Yamani,

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